Monday, July 27, 2009

Those Who Don't Learn from History

The sad lesson of the book of Judges is repeated over and over, "the Israelites once again div evil in the eyes of the LORD." This phrase invariably follows after the death of the latest Judge who saves Israel from oppression and leads the people during the rest of his/her lifetime. When that judge dies, however, the people forget the lesson of being true to God and stray once again into rebellion and sin. Their sin leads to God allowing oppression (because they aren't keeping the Covenant), the people cry out to God in their misery, God raises up a judge to deliver them which he does, and the people have peace until that judge dies. The process repeats itself so many times in Judges that it the lesson we should be learning from this bit of history is inescapable. IF we do not learn from what God has done already, we will be doomed to make the same mistakes as those who came before us. Most of us are confident enough that we don't think that we'll make such mistakes, but we should ask ourselves, do we even KNOW what God has done in the lives of our family before we came along; what did our parents learn about God that we should know, what about our grandparents? What did my church learn in the past that I don't know about? Take the time to have those conversations with those who have LIVED through the ups and downs of life; whatever else, you won't be wasting your time.

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