Showing posts with label Betrayal. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Betrayal. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2021

Sermon Video: Judas at the Last Supper - Mark 14:12-21

In the midst of the Last Supper, as Jesus celebrates the Passover one last time with his disciples, a time for fellowship and fortification for the road ahead, Jesus drops a bombshell: "one of you will betray me." One of the chosen 12?? How is that possible?

Betrayal is a brutal subject, only those with whom we have a connection can betray us, or us them. Family, friends, co-workers, fellow countrymen, even those in our church. There's a reason why the we call it stabbing someone in the back. And yet, betrayal did not derail the plan of God, did not prevent Jesus from fulfilling his purpose and dying for the sins of the world. No matter how vicious the wound, it can be healed, no matter how ruthless you were, you can be forgiven; God can do this, Jesus knows what betrayal feels like, and he overcame it.