Showing posts with label The Year of Living Like Jesus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Year of Living Like Jesus. Show all posts

Tuesday, April 14, 2020

Sermon Video: How to know the power of Christ's resurrection Philippians 3:10-11

How can I know Christ? Really know him? The Apostle Paul considers that thought and responds with two ideas: know the power of his resurrection, and participate in his sufferings. In other words, not only intellectual knowledge about Jesus, but experiential as well. In order to become "like him in his death" we must become like him in his life. Imitate Jesus. The end result of the power of Christ's resurrection for those who believe will be fully transformed and glorified resurrected bodies, so why not strive for as much Christ-likeness as we can (by God's grace and the power of the Holy Spirit) obtain here and now? To truly know Christ is to embark upon a life transforming path of becoming like him.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Friday, March 9, 2012

Ed's Story

I've been watching the film series "Ed's Story" that is seven (5 completed, 2 in the works) episodes about the life of Ed Dobson as he has battled with ALS (Lou Gehrig's Disease) for the past ten years.  If you know anyony who is facing a difficult disease, perhaps cancer or Alzheimer's, or depression; or anyone who has dealt with a severe loss, perhaps a marriage break-up or the death of a loved one.  Please recommend this series to them.  I can be downloaded from the website for under $10, the DVD's are about $20.
The series itself offers powerful insight into what it means to trust God, to put your faith in his lovingkindness even when your life seems to be all but over.  Our Sunday school class is using one episode each week as a springboard to talk about the Scripture references in them as well.
Ed also wrote the book, The Year of Living Like Jesus on the topic of what it takes to really live like Jesus would have.  Often funny, and very insightful, it'll open your eyes to the real cost of discipleship.
Those of us who followed Ed's career at Calvary Church in Grand Rapids would never have imagined that God could use him more mightily than he already was, but having read the book and watched the videos, it is clear that God, in his wisdom, chose to use his servant for a higher purpose.  As John the Baptist said, "he must become greater, I must become less."