Showing posts with label Judas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Judas. Show all posts

Monday, November 1, 2021

Sermon Video: Judas at the Last Supper - Mark 14:12-21

In the midst of the Last Supper, as Jesus celebrates the Passover one last time with his disciples, a time for fellowship and fortification for the road ahead, Jesus drops a bombshell: "one of you will betray me." One of the chosen 12?? How is that possible?

Betrayal is a brutal subject, only those with whom we have a connection can betray us, or us them. Family, friends, co-workers, fellow countrymen, even those in our church. There's a reason why the we call it stabbing someone in the back. And yet, betrayal did not derail the plan of God, did not prevent Jesus from fulfilling his purpose and dying for the sins of the world. No matter how vicious the wound, it can be healed, no matter how ruthless you were, you can be forgiven; God can do this, Jesus knows what betrayal feels like, and he overcame it.

Sunday, October 24, 2021

Sermon Video: Jesus receives a 'beautiful thing' and a betrayal - Mark 14:1-11

In one episode, Mark puts together Mary's sacrifice of adoration, a 'beautiful thing' in Jesus' words and the inexplicable betrayal of Jesus. Two followers, both witnesses of Jesus' miracles and hearers of his teachings, yet two opposing responses, one of love the other of hate.

Which leads us to this question: What beautiful thing can I do for Jesus? What cost am I willing to pay to serve my savior and king?

Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Sermon Video - Judas: The Hopeless Sinner, Matthew 27:1-10

Peter disowned Jesus, repented of his failure with bitter tears, saw the empty tomb and believed, and was finally restored by Jesus and made useful again for the kingdom.  Judas betrayed Jesus, was remorseful and admitted his guilt, despaired of the future, and killed himself.  Have you ever wondered, why Peter's outcome was so different from that of Judas?  In the Gospel of Matthew, these two episodes are consecutive, highlighting the commonalities of the failure of these two disciples of Jesus.  In the end, the attempted repentance of Judas, for all we can tell sincere, failed because he didn't seek mercy and forgiveness from God, instead giving in to hopelessness and committing suicide. 
Hopelessness is a major issue in our world, it always has been, the numbers of suicides annually are staggering.  So many people without hope, and yet, the Church has hope, we have been given hope through the Holy Spirit and can therefore share that hope with those around us in desperate need.  The priests turned Judas away when he expressed his remorse saying, "What is that to us?"  May the people of God, his Church here on earth, not make the same mistake.  It is our solemn duty to make it easier, not harder, for the Lost to find Christ, helping those living in darkness to see the light.

To watch the video, click on the link below: