Friday, July 17, 2009

Greed and the Death of our neighbor the "Bicycle Man"

Today in Federal Court two men were charged with the kidnapping and murder of our neighbor Donald Dietz, the "bicycle man", on Sep. 11, 2007. Donald was a very private man who lived at the end of a dirt road across from the state park (about a mile from my house, a couple hundred yards from my parents' house). I used to park across from his trailer (set a hundred yards back from the road) and go run on the park's trails. Donald road his bicylce to Ionia weekly, six miles on a busy narrow road; I always thought he'd get killed by a driver who didn't see him. The darkness of mens' hearts had other plans though. These two men tried to steal $450,000 from Donald and transfer it out of the country (the bank stopped the transfer, it looked suspicious). In the process, they evidently tasered this quiet older man, and at some point killed him. My father used to help Donald from time to time with things like paperwork, they both worked at Amway, and nobody would have known that this unassuming man had half a million dollars. The money had no hold at all on Donald, he just kept on saving it, but to these two men (whom I will not dignify by using their names) had enough Greed in their hearts to contemplate theft, to plan it, to contemplate and carry out kidnapping, and to let it lead to murder. Sin is like that, it blackens our hearts and destroys the humanity that we all have as Children of God. Donald certainly would not have appreciated being front page news in the Grand Rapids Press again and again, and he obviously didn't deserve to die, but in a world crying out for redemption by God this is what happens. My neighbor, a quiet man, was murdered by greed, our world is like that.

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