The Bible was written in a world that knew only variations of one-man rule (occasionally one-woman rule). Emperors, Kings, Chieftains and the like, some kind and benevolent, some vain and cruel. It did not know Communism, Republics, Constitutional Monarchy or Democracy {The short-lived experiment in 'pure' Democracy in Athens being, if anything, a cautionary tale thanks to its demise, and by the time Rome became a part of the story in the New Testament it had long since ceased to be a Republic}. As such, the Bible neither supports nor condemns modern concepts related to other ways to govern a nation. This gives Christians freedom of conscience when considering what type of governmental system they prefer. Instead of commands in this area, the Bible gives Christians principles to seek to apply such as the Golden Rule, "Do to others as you would have them do to you." (Luke 6:31) or "He has shown you, O mortal, what is good. And what does the Lord require of you? To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God." (Micah 6:8)
That being said, there is a growing trend in the West (Hungary is already there, but also Poland, France, and America) of Christians (a mix no doubt of self-professed cultural 'Christian' and genuine disciples of Christ) supporting Autocratic tendencies in government. In response to societal pressures and fears, a growing number of Christians are beginning to prefer a 'strong man' type leadership to the leadership derived from fair elections. In other words, they would rather have their team win without democracy than risk losing with it. There are increasingly supporting having the policies they champion imposed by any means necessary, regardless the legality of the methods or the rights of others. The most common rationale is to view modern politics as a war, one in which it doesn't matter how you play the game, only whether or not you win or lose. In this view, democratic norms and morality are naïve, only power matters because the stakes are too high {There is much Christian Apocalypse related imagery and reasoning here as well.}
I have written often about the dangers of choosing power over principles, might over right, but what about the danger of choosing Autocracy over Democracy? Are Christians obligated as a matter of morality to support, even defend, the modern concept of liberal democracy?
The answer is yes, and the reason doesn't have to involve a philosophical discussion regarding governance. One need only ask this question, "If democracy falls, what will replace it?" History has shown, repeatedly, that the answer is: something less just, less fair, and more prone to evil. It would be the height of folly to believe that this time it will be different. That we can hand power over to one man, one family, or one cabal, without watching our society descend into persecution of those who oppose the regime. Until the invasion of Ukraine, it was fashionable in some Christian Nationalist circles to view Vladimir Putin as a 'savior' of Christianity against the forces of Islam and Liberalism. As the mass graves in Ukraine, the rape of a country previously at peace attest, autocrats are no friend to Christian morality. There is NO scenario where the American system of elections, of sharing power based upon their results, is replaced by one in which 'our team' has permanent rule that does not involve a massive increase in Evil.
Perhaps some Christians are thinking, "this time it will be different, you'll see." They're wrong; both history and human nature make trusting the leadership of a nation to an autocrat to be a folly, but let's move to a 2nd line of reasoning: Do Unto Others. Would you want to be on the losing side of an Autocratic regime? Would you want your rights taken away by 'them', your role in choosing your nation's future reduced to nothing? The answer is no, it would be tyranny and you would hate it. HOW then can any Christian support the notion that Autocracy is just fine when my team wins if they would violently oppose it if the shoe was on the other foot? If Christian Nationalists are not willing to live with permanent rule of the Democratic Party, how can they cheer on the notion of permanent rule by the Republican Party? To do so, those trending toward autocratic methodology must consider the people on the other side to be less than us: they are less than those of us who are the 'real Americans'. An ethic that follows the teachings of Jesus Christ, that views every person as your neighbor that you must 'love as yourself' cannot tolerate this dissonance. In fact, to embrace us over them, even to see the world as divided into these competing camps, is to begin to walk down the road that negates the truth that every person is made in the image of God. {Yes, the world is divided into Redeemed and Lost, Sheep and Goats, but those are not the lines being drawn here, this is political not spiritual warfare}
Can a Christian, in good conscience, turn against Democracy in favor of Autocracy? Not if he/she loves their neighbor whom such a system would harm, as Jesus commanded us to do.