Showing posts with label Adam Clarke. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Adam Clarke. Show all posts

Tuesday, November 8, 2016

The testing of character: a chance for growth

While preparing my message this week on Hezekiah from 2 Chronicles 32, I came across this thought by 19th Century Methodist theologian Adam Clarke which is insightful enough for me to type it out here...

"Thus God speaks after the manner of men: he either brings, or permits them to be brought, into such circumstances as shall cause them to show their prevailing propensities; and then warns them against the evils to which they are inclined, after having shown them that they are capable of these evils.  To know ourselves, and our own character, is of the utmost importance to our religious growth and perfection.  He who does not know where his weakness lies, is not likely to know where his strength lies.  Many, by not being fully acquainted with their own character, have been unwatchful and unguarded, and so become an easy prey to their enemies.  Know thyself is a lesson which no man can learn but from the Spirit of God."

On this election day, consider this: What has this tumultuous political season revealed about your character, your strengths and weaknesses?  Do not miss an opportunity to grow in discipleship.