Showing posts with label Will Mancini. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Will Mancini. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Can we change ourselves?

I'm reading Will Mancini's Church Unique right now and a quote he utilized when talking about Church Growth from Gordon MacDonald caught my eye. "I have wondered if our evangelical fervor to change the world is not driven in some part by the inability to change ourselves."
This thought was quickly connected in my mind to all of the enthusiasm I've witnessed over the years to change this law or that, to elect this or that candidate, in the hopes that such a political victory will allow us to change the culture from the top-down.  If we cannot change our neighborhoods, let us change the law and get the government to do the job for us.
An example of this attitude is the abortion issue.  I believe that abortion is a moral evil that should not be legal in any society.  Life, given as a gift from God, is far too precious to squander, from beginning to end.  {this same principle affect my views on using drugs, education, poverty aid, euthanasia, and more}  For nearly half a century abortion has been legal in America.  Over 30 million abortions have occurred in that time frame, not because it is legal, but because millions of our fellow Americans have decided that it is easier to rid themselves of an inconvenient child than it is to take responsibility for him/her.  Included in this number, are millions of church attenders and millions of teens whose parents are/were Christians.  This is not a problem for "them" that those of us within the Church have no responsibility for.  We already know that divorce rates and non-marital sex rates are far too similar for self-professing Christians as they are for those who do not claim Christ as Lord.
Where does this leave us.  When we realize that political solutions, while necessary, will never solve the problem, we can begin to focus our efforts upon helping our fellow brothers and sisters in Christ live in ways that more clearly reflect the mercy which God has shown us in Christ.  The problem is not out "there" among the Lost; the problem is withing the Church, the problem is our own.
It is far easier to change the political landscape and the laws of this nation than it is to reform our churches from within.  It is far easier, but far less effective.  The revival of the Church in America begins in the pew I sit in on Sunday; it begins with us.