Showing posts with label Disasters. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disasters. Show all posts

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Sermon Video: The Day of Woe - Joel 1:1-2:11

The prophet Joel wrote to his people, the descendants of Abraham who were heirs to the Covenant, during a time of extreme woe.  In Joel's day it was a massive swarm of locusts that threatened the very lives of the people and even brought an end to the daily sacrifices at the temple because no grain or wine could be procured for the morning and evening offering.  In this dark day the prophet calls upon his people to declare a fast, gather together, and "cry out to the LORD."  The misery they faced reminds us that we too may undergo a severe trial, whether it be a natural disaster or a manifestation of the wrath of God, and our response should be the same: gather together, and cry out to the LORD.

To watch the video, click on the link below: