Thursday, July 16, 2009

2nd Annual Ecumenical Worship Service

On June 28th we will be celebrating our 2nd Annual Ecumenical Worship Service. The King Bee Nines choir from the Cathedral of St. Andrew will be blessing us with their singing, and I will be preaching a message of Christian brotherhood. Which Scriptural passage will I utilize? I haven’t decided yet, but the N.T. is full of passages that emphasize the desire that Christ had that his church would be one in Spirit. It’s been a thousand years since the Church has been anywhere near being one in fact (and five hundred since the Protestant Reformation), but we’re closer now to being one in Spirit than we have been since the invention of the printing press. The massive momentum of mistrust and past sinful hatred has dissipated in much of the world, and small seeds of cooperation have been planted. Why should we care what happens in other denominations? (some might ask) One of the biggest reasons, beyond the fact that the Bible tells us to, is that the loss of a moral compass in the Western world (and with it belief in Truth) threatens us all. Empty churches in Europe, and sparsely filled churches in much of the U.S. are a danger to us all. In order to counter this rising tide of moral relativism (and agnosticism) we need to focus on what unites us rather than what divides us. If Truth is to be defended, we need all the help we can get. The unsaved world around us doesn’t care about the issues that split the Church apart, they only see the in-fighting as evidence that what we have isn’t worth all that much. Why then should we seek brotherhood with Catholics, Orthodox, and the thousands of Protestant groups? The simple truth is that the message of the Gospel finds more fertile soil when we do.

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