Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts
Showing posts with label jobs. Show all posts

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

Supporting marriage through thick and thin

As the dismal economic news continues to unfold for the local and state economy and friends and loved ones continue to struggle to find adequate work, the strain and toll upon relationships and marriages rises. There are many things that can come between a husband and wife and cause harm to their marriage, few of them are as obvious as the loss of a job. In recent years, often through no fault of their own, men (primarily) have found themselves left without the ability to provide for their families. In the modern world, a family cannot go long without a steady income without risking the loss of the family home. With pressures such as this, is it any wonder that Christian marriages feel the strain of unemployment?
What do the Scriptures offer us in times of trouble such as this? The first thing that comes to mind is that God considers marriage to be sacred. A solemn pact that cannot be disregarded simply because things have become difficult. Genesis 2:24 reminds us that when two individuals join together in marriage, “they will become one flesh”. That fusion of two lives and purposes into one is designed precisely for the rough and difficult times. It’s an easy matter for two people to continue in marriage when times are flush, when nothing is pushing them apart. When a man and a woman truly need each other the most is when life is treating them the worst. Sadly, too many couples pull away from each other at these moments.
When you see a married couple being tested by unemployment (or any other tragedy or even success), pray for them. Offer them a word of encouragement, be willing to listen. Those who support marriages are doing the work of the Lord. God instituted marriage, but we need to be about the business of helping our friends and loved ones keep them intact.