If you're like me, you love verses like this. That the Bible contains such revealing texts makes it all the more of a blessing. It is obvious that the Bible wasn't written by people who were trying to put God in a positive light because it contains so many hard truths and candid moments.
What was the reason for Hannah's bitter weeping? The LORD had closed her womb and prevented her from having children (a serious shame in her society). Our Bible study group was studying James this past week and talking about the difference between a test that comes from the Lord and a temptation that does not (it comes from ourselves; see James 1:2 and 1:13-14). This is clearly an instance where God put Hannah to the test and she passes with flying colors.
Wait a minute, Hannah was bitter when she prayed to God, doesn't that show that she failed to trust in him?? Not at all, Hannah is a great example to us all because she earnestly prayed to the LORD
despite her prior disappointments and bitterness. Even though her prayers had gone seemingly unanswered for "year after year" (1:3), she simply continued to pray to the Lord.
Does that mean that our prayers will always be answered the way we want them to be if we keep on nagging God with prayer? Of course not, but our willingness to continue to pray even when things are not going our way is how our faith develops and becomes perseverance and wisdom. We may never receive the answer to prayer that we want, but God will certainly hear us when our hearts honestly pour out to him, as Hannah told Eli, "I was pouring out my soul to the LORD." (1:15).
Why did God put Hannah to the test? Not to try to uncover the mind of God, but two reasons seem be clear enough. #1, God knew that Hannah was capable of passing the test and #2 God knew how important the child she would dedicate to serve the LORD, Samuel, would later become. By the way, God blessed Hannah over and above the maturity that she received through her patience and persistence (2:21); that's just the way God is, he loves giving gifts to those who serve him.