Showing posts with label Complaining. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Complaining. Show all posts

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Sermon Video: "To seek and to save the lost" - Luke 19:1-10

As Jesus walks toward Jerusalem to face the cross he is confronted by an odd sight; a grown man sitting in a tree looking at him.  The man, Zacchaeus, was a hated tax collector, but Jesus chose to invite himself over to Zacchaeus' house for dinner that day.  Why?  Because Jesus' mission, and our mission too, is to seek and save the lost.  God's message is heard by those who know they're in need of salvation.  It wasn't a popular move, but Jesus, this time, like always, shared his grace and mercy with those in need.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

When it rains on your parade

Nicole and I just returned from a much needed vacation. We were supposed to camp in the U.P. (Van Ryper State Park; Moose country, hiking, etc.), but only had one day of sun before the week-long forcast of rain, rain, and more rain came in. We struck camp and loaded everything up about 10 mins. before the first of the rain started to fall. Rather than sulk and head home having vasted the 400 mile drive to get there, we decided to drive down through Wisconsin to Chicago and see the museums (indoor, no rain worries). It costs us a little more than camping, but we rolled w/ the punches so-to-speak. In the end, we had a great trip, saw cool stuff, and spent the time together that will continue to strengthen our marriage and rejuvinate both of us in our personal and work lives. Getting rained out was in no way a tragedy, but it could have easily led to resentments or hard feelings if we didn't work together to come up w/ and alternative plan that worked for both of us. As always, in our marriage, compromise and teamwork outweigh the preferences we each have. Vacations have a way of proving things to you about your family relationships. The expecations can be really high (unrealisticly many times) and things are boudn to go wrong on the way. Take a breath, remember why you're on the trip in the first place, and enjoy God's marvelous creation (including your spouse/kids/mother-in-law, etc.).

Saturday, February 27, 2010

When you start to whine about your life....

Yesterday was one of those days that reminds me that my life is pretty good no matter how it may seem from time to time.  A 7th grader at Ionia Middle School had to call 911 at 4:30 AM because of an argument between her parents.  When the cops arrived they discovered that her father had shot her mother, her brother, and then killed himself.  It is certainly beyond my imagination how difficult this little girl's life is right now (as of now, both her brother and mother are in serious condition at the hospital).  I was called to the MS on friday morning to cover the classes of one of her teachers.  When you find out that you're working today because three people were shot, it puts things in perspective.
We all tend to be a little myopic about our lives, don't we?  We all have problems, many of them serious, and it really takes a jolt to get us to see beyond ourselves.  None of us are promised a tomorrow, today could be your last day.  Is it worth is to spend this day complaining?  As the Apostle James wrote, "Now listen, you who say, "Today or tomorrow we will go to this or that city, spend a year there, carry on business and make money."  Why, you do not even know what will happen tomorrow. What is your life? You are a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes.  Instead, you ought to say, "If it is the Lord's will, we will live and do this or that."  Take a realistic look at your life.  Thank God for you many blessings (and tell him of your cares and worries in prayer), and never forget that life is a precious gift, one only our Creator can give.