Showing posts with label Lonliness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Lonliness. Show all posts

Friday, February 24, 2012

"Where a people prays, there is the church"

That's part of a quote from Dietrich Bonhoeffer, the German pastor who was executed for his part in the assassination attempt on Adolf Hitler (the same one in Tom Cruise's movie, Valkyrie)  The whole quote is: "Where a people prays, there is the church; and where the church is; there is never lonliness."  Dietrich wrote those words before moving away from his family and friends in Berlin in 1928 to spend a year as the vicar (pastor) of a German church in Barcelona, Spain.  To me, those words ring particularly true in light of the past few months.  Nicole and I moved 450 miles away from home, leaving family and friends behind.  What we have found here in Franklin is a new group of people, not brought together out of common interest, but out of a common bond far more strong; our love of Jesus.  In our prayers for each other, for the work of this church, and for this town, we find a new community.  I won't claim to have not felt any homesickness, nor could Nicole say that, but I understand Dietrich's point.  Here, in this place, is the church.  We left a loving community of believers behind in Palo, as well as our friends at the Cathedral of St. Andrew, and before that Galilee Baptist in Saranac, but we have found another loving family of believers here.  Why do they accept me and follow my leadership?  Because they see the hand of God in it; not that there's all that much special about me in particular, but God prepared this path long in advance.
When you feal disconnected, lonely, or sad, do yourself a favor, pray with God's people.

FYI, the quote is from the book, Bonhoeffer: pastor, martyr, prophet, spy by Eric Metaxas; it has been fascinating thus far to read about Dietrich's childhood and the influences in his life that lead him to stand up against the Nazis when so many other German pastor did not.