Tuesday, November 19, 2024
Sermon Video: Is Anything Too Hard for the LORD? - Genesis 18:1-15
Monday, July 18, 2022
Sermon Video: The insanity of: "Let us do evil that good may result" Romans 3:5-8
By way of answering a question about why our sinfulness doesn't make God's holiness more glorious, the Apostle Paul refutes a heretical path that might potentially be ascribed to Christians, "Let us do evil that good may result."
Why can't evil methods or processes lead to good (righteousness)?
Among the reasons why this is fundamentally impossible are: the nature of evil, the nature of God, the power of God, the wisdom of God, and the will of God. In order to believe that evil can result in good one must misunderstand all of these things.
In what ways are (have) Christians accepted this dangerously false premise? In our personal relationships, our collective actions as a Church (think Crusades, Inquisition, burning people at the stake, and a host of immoral behavior to gain power and control over various portions of the Church), and growing more toxic each year, our politics as American Christians.
In the end, we must reject the false siren's call that we can utilize evil without being corrupted by it, whatever else it is, such a path is not God's.
Tuesday, December 10, 2019
Sermon Video: The Messiah Needed - Ecclesiastes 7:20
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
The Pursuit of Happiness?
One of the more well known portions of Scripture regarding this topic is this:
Matthew 16:24-26 New International Version (NIV)
24 Then Jesus said to his disciples, “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 25 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me will find it. 26 What good will it be for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul?
There are many more examples of the call in the Word of God to serve through self-sacrifice, among them, these words of John:
1 John 3:16-18 New International Version (NIV)
16 This is how we know what love is: Jesus Christ laid down his life for us. And we ought to lay down our lives for our brothers and sisters. 17 If anyone has material possessions and sees a brother or sister in need but has no pity on them, how can the love of God be in that person? 18 Dear children, let us not love with words or speech but with actions and in truth.
In the end, as a Christian, a disciple of Jesus Christ, it isn't just about you. Christians are part of something greater than themselves, part of God's plan for all of humanity, and have committed themselves (whether they know it or not) to serving the Kingdom of God, which means that our lives are not about pursuing happiness.
Wednesday, October 17, 2018
Why "winning" as the goal ought to be anathema to Christians
Tuesday, June 26, 2018
Sermon Video: The Gospel of Reconciliation - Colossians 1:21-23
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Sermon Video: God rejects moral equivalence - Malachi 2:17
The prophet Malachi rejects the attempt by the people of Israel to embrace moral equivalence, telling them that God is wearied by willingness in their ignorance to blame him for the evil in our world. God is holy, having no part in anything immoral or evil, that such things exist in our world is our fault, not God's. In the end, the "success" of the wicked will probe short-lived, the justice of God will prevail, and righteousness will be rewarded.
To watch the video, click on the link below:
Thursday, April 13, 2017
If God does not love the sinner and hate the sin.
He would be unworthy of our love...For such a God would either abandon us as hopeless or leave us in our sin.
There would be no Incarnation, no Jesus...Why send the Son of God, to become a man, if not to rectify humanity's sin problem? No other purpose is a sufficient cause.
There would be no Cross, no Resurrection...Why would God allow Jesus to die, if not for the sin's of the world? No other purpose could justify the cost Jesus paid.
There would be no redemption, no rebirth, no hope of heaven...All have sinned, look around you, it cannot be denied. God has provided the way for us to be saved from our sins, because God is Love AND God is Holy.
God does indeed love sinners, each and every one, from the least to the greatest, for we are all created in his image.
God does indeed hate sin, each and every one, from the least to the greatest, for all sin is a rebellion against the holiness of God.
These two traits of God are not incompatible, they are instead absolutely essential partners. It is not judgmental for the people of God to share this message, it is an act of kindness, an act of love. We love our fellow man too much to pretend that they'll be fine without God's forgiveness. We know better, not because we are better, not at all, but because we have experienced the love of God that is in Christ Jesus, and we have been set free from bondage to sin by the blood of the Lamb.
Wednesday, April 5, 2017
Are good people in Heaven?
Heaven doesn't contain "good" people, it contains forgiven people.
God is holy, God is perfect, and only those who likewise are holy and perfect can enter into his presence.
Humanity is not holy, humanity is not perfect, all of us are flawed, all are sinners.
If God had not intervened with the Incarnation, if the Son of God had not died for our sins and if he had not been raised to life for our justification, the gulf that exists between God, who is holy, and humanity, which is not, would have remained separating us from God forever.
Heaven isn't for "good" people; good isn't good enough, only perfection will work, and since the only way for a human being to be perfect is for God to forgive us, and give us his righteousness (through Christ), the only people who will join God in heaven are those who by faith have been forgiven.
Tuesday, June 24, 2014
Take Time to Be Holy
Tuesday, April 8, 2014
The small margin of error for the shepherd of the flock
Friday, September 30, 2011
Walking on the light side - I John 1:5
Not so with God. One of the reasons why God is worthy of worship is because he has no flaws. God has no compromises in his character. He never acts based upon prejudice, greed, or fear. Does that make God an emotion-free force, like a law of nature? A quick look at Scripture reminds us that God gets angry, feels joy, knows sorrow, and laughs. And yet, God's character remains the same, holy. It isn't something that is easy for us to grasp. We often fall into sin because our emotions "get the better of us," or we allow our thinking to become self-centered when we fail to act in accordance with our new life in Christ.
When John tells us, "walk in the light, as he is in the light" (vs. 7), he is saying that the direction that our lives are going in needs to be toward more holiness, righteousness, and Christ-likeness. It is certainly beyond our ability in this life to be 100% free of darkness, as God is, but thanks be to God that our savior Jesus Christ was. The only way we will ever accomplish such a monumental task is to stop trying on our own and accept that Jesus' life will stand in for our own in God's judgment. Only then will we be able to start the process of purging darkness from our lives with the strength of the Holy Spirit. One day, we too will walk fully in the light, as we stand in the presence of our holy God.
Sunday, May 8, 2011
Sermon Video: "I will have nothing to do with evil" - Psalm 101
To watch the video, click on the links below
Sermon Video Part 1
Sermon Video Part 2
Tuesday, April 26, 2011
If God is Love...
Sadly, this particular God doesn’t resemble the God of the Bible. He isn’t the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Nor is he the God who revealed himself to Moses and gave his Covenant people the Law. To reduce God to a one-dimensional principle (even one as fundamental to his nature as Love) is to treat God like a force, and not a person. But the God who chose to reveal himself to us through the Scriptures is clearly a person. God has emotions, God gets angry, God laughs, and yes, God loves.
God cares about holiness. He can’t accept rebellion, he can’t ignore sin. How do we know, besides the fact that the Bible is full of God saying exactly that, consider that God cared enough about sin that he tossed Adam and Eve out of the Garden. He flooded the world in disgust in the day of Noah. He leveled Sodom and Gomorrah, and put the sons of Eli to death for their blasphemy. God made his people wander in the desert for forty years because of their unbelief, and he decreed that the people of Canaan were so evil that they must be wiped out, all of them. God takes holiness serious in his people too. When David sinned, the unborn child died as a consequence. When the whole nation of Israel wandered away from him, he sent them into captivity. When Judah did the same, they followed suit. God cares enough about holiness that he sent his own Son to die on the Cross to save us from ourselves. God is love. No doubt about that, why else would he go to such lengths to try to redeem us?
Is hell real? You’d better believe it. Either hell is real, or God is a liar. Either hell is real or Jesus died in vain. Is there any point in worshiping a God who lies to us? Any reason to worship a God who would put his Son through torture for no real reason?? So, go ahead, tell everyone that God is love, just don’t forget to also tell them that God is Holy. And oh, by the way, we’re not. Either we fix that problem through faith in Jesus Christ, or we’re going to hell. Not because God sends people there, but because we earned it.
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Sermon Video: John 12:23-32 "When I am lifted up"
To watch the video clink on the links below:
Sermon Video Part 1
Sermon Video Part 2
Monday, March 14, 2011
Sermon Video: Psalm 19:7-11, "the Law of the LORD revives the soul"
code of God revealed in the Law. Not only is God's law a guide to
right living, but the path to wisdom and joy as well.
to watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video Part 1
Sermon Video Part 2
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Immanuel, "God with us"
Merry Christmas.
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
From the mountain "burning with fire" to "the city of the living God" - Hebrews 12:18-24
That very curtain, the symbolic separation between God and man, is torn in two at the moment of the resurrection of Jesus Christ. The blood guilt has been paid, God's presence can now be approached by man through faith.
And so Hebrews tells us that we now approach Mount Zion, "the heavenly Jerusalem, the city of the living God" where thousands of angels rejoice and celebrate with the "spirits of righteous men made perfect". Here Jesus "the mediator of the new covenant" awaits us with open arms.
A far cry from a gloomy mountain covered in darkness, fire, and storm isn't it?
Monday, October 12, 2009
Entering God's Rest - Hebrews 4
Thinking back on that funeral, there was a lot of talk from the family and friends about how their loved one was no longer struggling against the troubles that beset her during her life. That's certainly true, but I think it misses the point a little bit. We often think of heaven as a place where we no longer have to endure physical troubles (an aching back, poor eyesight, a handicap); while this is certainly true, it doesn't reflect the real reason why standing before Jesus some day will be so amazing.
The burden that we are all carrying, a burden whose weight we are so used to that we don't even notice it, is sin. We live in a world where sin is everywhere. A world where our lives are beset by temptations and tragedies that come from sin. The true peace of God that we will experience when standing face to face with Jesus will be finally knowing what it is like to be holy. When selfishness is no longer an option, when fear and failure slip away. On that day, you will find that a tremendous weight has fallen off your shoulders, never to be taken up again. On that day, you will truly rest.
I'm reminded of the song, "I can only Imagine" I love that song; the lyrics are amazing. "Surrounded by your glory, what will my hear feel? Will I dance for you Jesus, or in awe of you bill still? Will I stand in your presence, or to my knees will I fall? Will I sing Hallelujah, will I be able to speak at all? I can only imagine, I can only imagine."