Showing posts with label Coincidences. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Coincidences. Show all posts

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Sermon Video: The Good News about Jesus, Acts 8:26-40

Which is harder for God, to find someone willing to listen to his message of forgiveness through faith in his Son Jesus, or to find someone willing to tell that person?  Philip had previously been preaching before large crowds very successfully in Samaria, now the Spirit prompts Philip to go into the desert where he happens upon one man, an Ethiopian eunuch who is reading the scroll of Isaiah as he travels home from Jerusalem. 
Is life a series of coincidences or do God's people find themselves in situations where they have an opportunity to witness or help others in the name of Christ because God has chosen to place us in those situations?  Philip knew exactly why he was on this road, so he asked this stranger if he understood what he was reading.  That innocent question opened the way for Philip to use that very passage of Scripture to explain how Jesus Christ was the very suffering servant that Isaiah had spoken of.  Not only a suffering servant, but the Son of God who had chosen to endure humiliation and death that he might conquer both sin and death by rising from the grave.
The man to whom Philip spoke, formerly a foreigner and in many ways an outcast (as a eunuch), gladly accepted God's invitation to join his family through faith and immediately took advantage of Philip's presence to be baptized.  Philip had only this one chance to share the Gospel with this person he had just met, but he took advantage of it and changed the life of a fellow child of God forever.
Why do we as Christians fail to proclaim the name of Christ?  Is it a lack of knowledge about the Gospel?  Such ignorance is a horrible excuse and one we must rectify within the Church.  Is it a lack of courage?  Are we afraid of being laughed at, rejected, or mocked?  Such cowardice is hardly worthy of those who have been set free by the blood of the Lamb.  Is it lack of heart?  Are we too complacent, thinking that God will send someone else, or that the cause isn't that urgent?  Such apathy is unacceptable amongst those whom God has called to be salt and light in this world.
When the next coincidence, which really is nothing of the sort, happens in your life, and you're faced with a chance to share the Good News about Jesus, what will you do?

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video