Showing posts with label The Simple Things. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Simple Things. Show all posts

Thursday, July 16, 2009

The Simple Things in Life

The simple things in life, do we really appreciate them? I know that a hike in the woods isn’t everyone’s idea of a peaceful activity, but have we as a society become so enamored of our gadgets and gizmos that we can’t enjoy nature and the company of friends anymore? Let’s hope we haven’t. I’m as much of a fan of my computer as the next guy, but I also know that I need to get away from cell phones and instant messages and just have time by myself reading a good book or riding my bike. If you watch the television commercials you’ll be convinced that only the newest toy or electronics gear can lead you to an entertaining afternoon, but let’s not forget that God created some pretty amazing sights to see. Here in West Michigan we’re only a few short hours from amazing beaches, with plenty of lakes and forest around us. If that’s not your idea of relaxation, the Tigers are winning again (amen to that); nothing connects two generations together quite like a nice day at the ballpark. I’m not saying you have to appreciate the same sort of things that I do, to each his own, but don’t let yourself be convinced that big expenditures of money are the only way that you can feel fulfilled; often enough, it’s the simple things in life that leave the most lasting impression.