Showing posts with label Joel Osteen. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Joel Osteen. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Sermon Video: Don't Mess with God - Jude 5-11

Jude utilizes six examples from the Hebrew Scriptures to warn his readers about the danger of being ungodly in relation to God {the example in vs. 1-4 was of a group that tried to utilize God's grace as an excuse for immorality}. In each case the story doesn't end well for the person(s) who sought to rebel against and defy the will of God. As a counter-example, Jude offers the humility of the archangel Michael who, according to the Assumption of Moses, did not even slander Satan himself but simply replied, "The Lord rebuke you!" In this vein, consider the arrogance of the Prosperity Gospel (and its many proponents: Paula White Cain, Kenneth Copeland, Benny Hinn, TD Jakes, Joel Osteen, Robert Schuller, etc.), with its tendency to claiming the power to 'bind Satan' and grant material blessings to those who either have enough faith and/or (likely and) send money to the already wealthy 'minister' in question. We are not 'little gods', we are not the epicenter of God's will as they would have us believe, we are instead servants in the Kingdom of God, here to sacrifice on behalf of the Gospel, not to prosper from it. It doesn't end well for those who defy the will of God, who warp the Gospel for their own benefit.

To watch the video, click on the link below: