Showing posts with label Disappointment. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Disappointment. Show all posts

Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Sermon Video: Naomi's bitterness and Ruth's hard work - Ruth 1:19-2:7

In this second message from Ruth, of five, we see the full impact of the sorrow from Naomi's loss of her husband and two sons reflected in her statements of bitterness directed at "the Almighty" whom she holds responsible for her losses.  Naomi does not hide her true feelings, or pretend that she's fine with what the will of God has done in her life, no, Naomi is honest, and that honesty at this point in her life equals disappointment with God.
Ruth, meanwhile, sets about looking for a solution to the desperate circumstances facing herself and her mother-in-law as widows by participating in the process that the Law of Moses sets forth to help the poor: gleaning.  Ruth follows behind the harvesters in the fields, working hard, hoping to gather enough grain to feed herself and Naomi.  The hard work of Ruth draws the attention of the owner of the field, Boaz, a relative of her late father-in-law Elimelech, whose field, "as it turned out" she ended up working in.
While Naomi struggles with her bitterness, and Ruth begins working to try to survive, the hand of God is already at work, molding plans for Ruth and Naomi that include far more than just surviving.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Tuesday, July 9, 2013

Sermon Video: "the work of Christ" Philippians 2:19-30

Paul's letter to the church of Philippi now deals with the personal plans of Timothy, Epaphroditus, and the Apostle Paul himself.  Here we learn that Timothy is a rare type of worker, one who cares more about those he is helping than he does about himself.  Such people are a treasure, worthy of honor, but sadly lacking at times among those who represent the Church.  Likewise, Epaphroditus put his own life on the line to care for Paul's needs, a reminder that serving God is not a free pass against the trials and tribulations of this life; indeed, many who serve God do so in dangerous places, doing work that is itself hazardous.  Lastly, Paul's confidence that he will soon be released from prison to journey in person to Philippi reminds us that our plans are not God's plans.  If Paul, who had toiled for the sake of the Gospel for years, can have his own prayer answered with "no", then certainly we too must understand that God doesn't work for us, we work for him.  The will of God remains largely unknowable, we may get glimpses from time to time and think that we understand what God is doing, but ultimately our task is simple: trust and obey. 

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video