Monday, October 12, 2009

When doing the Right Thing makes you the bad guy

It is an unfortunate part of my teaching job that when I have an opportunity to do the right thing it usually ends up making me the bad guy in the eyes of my students.  It's not that I'm tempted to do otherwise, but it's just kinda sad that when we're trying to help people educate themselves, to make positive steps forward in their lives, that we (our staff of teachers, and teachers in general) end up earning their enmity instead.
I had an incident today that involved a very upset student shouting obscenities at me after I did the right thing by reporting his behavior to our administration.  There really any wiggle wrong here; I had a clear obligation to do it, but it's going to hurt my ability to teacher other students and certainly wrecked my relationship with this particular student.  Sometimes doing the right thing makes you the bad guy.  I don't think I make much of a villian, but it's true just the same.
As a pastor, I'm used to the notion that not everyone is going to be willing to listen to the Gospel message; some will reject it for now, others for good, but there's a confidence that comes from knowing the absolute value of what you're trying to share with others.  In school settings, the students often complain that what they're learing isn't important (whether or not it is), and to add to this, they're generally forced to be here.  Imagine if your church was half full of people who hated being there, who tried to sleep during the service or spent the whole time texting on their phone.  It's days like this that make my ministry seem all the more important because the root cause of these problems in the academic world are spiritual needs of the students (and their families).  How can a student focus on learning when the only things in their life that has meaning are drugs and sex?  How can we expect a student to care about literature or history if they find their own life to be meaningless?  As always, God bless our teachers, their job is never easy {note: both my brother, sister, sister-in-law, brother-in-law, wife and myself are teachers, I just have the fortune to also be a pastor}

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