Monday, April 8, 2013

Sermon Video, "Stop doubting and believe' - John 20:24-29

A week after the resurrection, Jesus appears to Thomas, the last disciple to see the risen Christ with his own eyes.  Previously, Thomas had refused to believe on the word of the other disciples, he wanted to see and touch the wounds of Jesus for himself.  How would God respond to this doubt?  In the past, God had shown patient with doubters, including Sarah, Moses, Gideon, Esther, and Zechariah, still including them in his plan to bless his people, but what of Thomas?  Instead of punishing Thomas, Jesus offers him eyewitness proof to which Thomas responds, "My Lord and my God".
Do we need to see Jesus to believe, is a miracle the only thing that can prove God to us?  Actually, Jesus tells the disciples that those who believe without seeing will be more "blessed" because their faith is greater than those who must see first before they believe.  We have ample proof of the Gospel all around us, the wonders of God are daily in contrast with the evil of mankind, but a group of people who chosen a different path.  These followers of Jesus, by their willingness to sacrifice for others and be servants, are more clear proof than any miracle.  We have indeed seen Jesus when we see those who have been transformed by their belief in him.  Now, stop doubting and believe.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

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