Wednesday, April 24, 2013

A humbling moment, thanks to all

Last Wednesday was one of the highest moments in my professional life, it was an unexpected honor I received from the Dept. of Human Services of Venango County.  They held an annual awards dinner and chose me to receive the Outstanding Service to Others award from the Office of Economic Opportunity and Children and Youth Services.  Having lived here in Venango County for only a year and a half, I was certainly surprised to have been noticed beyond others who have toiled in this field far longer.  There would be no opportunity for this award if my church and my board didn't support me 100% in outreach efforts beyond our congregation, nor would I be able to do so without the support of my loving wife, Nicole, or the rest of my family, especially my father Walt and my mother Kathy.  In addition, I'm supported here in this ministry effort very capably by my office manager, Cheryl Rila. 
From the day I arrived here in Franklin I knew that something was different.  The years I spent hoping and praying for an opportunity to minister more while living back in Michigan were no more; instead, people were looking to me for leadership on several ecumenical outreach efforts.  It was during the third meeting of the Chilren's Roundtable that I had attended since moving here that one of its principal supporters, CYS solicitor Bill Cisek, asked me to "take over" the discussion about what the churches might be able to do to help partner with the Human Services dept.  Thus my involvement in Mustard Seed Missions, as it came to be know, was born.  Not by some grand plan of my own, but by a simple opportunity that presented itself to do what God would want any of his ministers to do; help those in need.  God bless everyone involved in the effort here in Venango County to make our churches known for what our faith causes us to DO.

The picture is of me receiving the award from Judge Lobaugh, another of the instrumental local government officials who have shown such amazing trust of our local churches.  Four incredible things have happened here:
1. The government agencies trust churches to help
2. The churches trust the government enough to be willing to help.
3. The communities of this county are working together for the common good.
4. The churches of this county are working together for the common good.

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