Thursday, February 21, 2019

Sermon Video: The Danger of Assuming God's Will - Acts 28:1-16

Having survived a shipwreck after two weeks at the mercy of the storm, the Apostle Paul lands on Malta along with the rest of the ship's compliment and is warmly welcomed by the locals until he is bitten by a snake when feeding wood onto the fire they had made for the exhausted visitors.  Seeing Paul bitten by a snake, the Maltese assume that Justice (Greek goddess Dike) has sought to finish Paul off because he escaped the storm, thus he must be some sort of vile murder.  When Paul doesn't die from the bite, the people flip their opinion and assume that Paul must be a god.  The example of the people of Malta regarding Paul, and many such examples in Church history of judgments being made about the external circumstances of people lives (such as the superstition that led to witch trials) and equating them with either God's blessings or curses.
In the end, we do not have the wisdom necessary to discern the will of God based upon the good and bad things that happen in the lives of others, nor even in our own lives.  Just as it is immoral to judge a person based upon the color of their skin instead of the content of their character, so too is it foolish and immoral to judge people based upon their health (or lack thereof), wealth (or poverty), success or failure in life.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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