Friday, February 8, 2019

Homelessness is a real issue in Venango County

At last month's zoning board meeting in Oil City, which ended in the decision being tabled until this month, a claim was made by one official who was called to testify that there isn't a homelessness problem in Oil City.  This assertion was met with gasps by many of the clergy present because of our ample experience with those who are either homeless or in danger of soon being homeless.  Whatever is decided at this month's meeting about this particular location in Oil City, the need for a shelter (whether one sizable one, or several smaller locations) will remain.  How do I know this?  In the past two years, the Bridge House Transitional Housing Program (that is, Emmaus Haven) here in Franklin has had 47 people stay at their facility, out of a total of 88 people who were referred to the program (which means 41 people were unable to stay, and need accommodations elsewhere).  During the past two years, a three apartment house in Franklin that was renovated by Mustard Seed Missions, in cooperation with Venango County's Human Services Department, has had 50 families in residence as a transitional home until more permanent housing could be found.  In addition, the Human Services Department is currently averaging 97 calls per month from families or individuals who are either currently homeless or in need of financial assistance to prevent being made homeless.
Urban communities and counties are not the only places where homelessness occurs in America.  Venango County is a rural community, with two small towns and no major urban area within an hour's drive, let alone within its boundaries.  And yet, homelessness is here, just as is poverty, drug abuse, and violence.  The problems of fallen humanity are not limited to certain areas, or certain kinds of people (because "kinds of people" don't actually exist; just human beings), they exist everywhere.  To pretend that some of the ills of our society are not present here, that we don't need to respond to them, is to do a disservice to those in need, our fellow human beings, and fellow Americans.
Homelessness is a real issue in Venango County, not wanting to believe it doesn't make it go away.  Whatever happens with this particular site in Oil City, the churches of Venango County will continue to work toward solutions to the problems of the people of this community, for it is our calling, our mission, our response to the grace of God given to us.

** Update ** As of 2/19, the Oil City zoning board has approved the use of the building in Siverly as the group home for Emmaus Haven.  The next step is to purchase the building from the Diocese of Erie, finalize plans for the renovations, gather the necessary funds, and begin work.  No timeline is yet available for when the facility will be up and running.

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