Friday, September 4, 2009

Where do Good things comes from? James 1:16-18

We've had a lot of depressing news in this country in the last couple of years, the state of Michigan has been run through the ringer again and again.  When times are tough, it helps to remind ourselves where the truly GOOD things in life come from.  No, I'm not talking about jobs, health care, homes, or anything that money can purchase.  The truly GOOD things in this world are Faith, Hope, Love, Mercy, Joy, Truth, and Holiness.  I use the capital letters because we often think that we know or understand this ideals but in reality know only the reflection of them as they are enbodied in the essence of God.  Sorry if that's a bit wordy, but the short version is this: If you're looking for anything truly GOOD in life, you're wasting your time and energy looking anywhere else but God.  I have no hope in my own ability to achieve anything resembling perfection on my own.  Nor do I have any confidence in my fellow man to achieve perfection either (no matter what the politicians are promising you).  But, I have complete and full confidence in the Holy God who created this world, who holds us to the standard of his own holiness, and who offers us the chance to join him in holiness through his Son.

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