Monday, May 30, 2022

Sermon Video: Self-Righteousness = Contempt for God's Mercy

Released between two horrific mass shootings was the report about how sex abuse was handled by the Southern Baptist Convention.  This horrific reports detailed failures spanning decades to report and combat sexual abuse within SBC churches and institutions.  At the same time, the SBC has been on the forefront condemning the sexual ethics of the culture at large, primarily targeting those outside the Church.  This blatant hypocrisy has become far too common, we have cynically come to expect it of our politicians and even pastors, and it is toxic to both the Culture and the Church.

The Apostle Paul takes aim at hypocritical judgementalism, when the people of God condemn others for doing the very things they themselves still do (often in secret).  That this is entirely unacceptable goes without saying, but the deeper danger is that is damages our relationship with God, leading to entirely justified anger because it makes a mockery of God's grace and forgiveness to us.

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