Tuesday, June 15, 2021

Sermon Video: Jesus leads the way to the Cross - Mark 10:32-34

 For the third and final time, Jesus tells his disciples that death awaits him in Jerusalem.  This time, however, Jesus is leading them there when he says it.  Demonstrating tremendous trust in the will of the Father, Jesus leads the way despite knowing in detail what is coming.  Even though he knows that none of his disciples will be able to stand with him during his Passion, Jesus continues to lessen their anxiety and fear by explaining once again what is about to happen.  Lasly, he ends his prediction with the reminder that death will not be the last word; that three days later he WILL rise again.  As we face uncertain futures, we too know that death is not the end, that the Father holds us safely in his hands, and we too seek to build up the faith and trust in God that will enable us to lead the way, following in Jesus' footsteps.

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