Monday, June 21, 2021

Sermon Video: Greatness in God's kingdom: service & sacrifice - Mark 10:35-45

 After his third and final prediction of his upcoming death, while journeying to Jerusalem for that purpose, Jesus is asked by the brothers James and John to elevate them to the 2nd and 3rd place of honor in his upcoming kingdom. Aside from the incredible chutzpah this request demonstrates, it also shows that the disciples still haven't internalized that the spiritual kingdom that Jesus intends to establish will not be run by this world's rules. So, once again, Jesus enlightens them, once more emphasizing that greatness in his kingdom is a matter of service and sacrifice. Indeed, Jesus himself is the prime example of humilty, service, and sacrifice when necessary. That his sacrifice will have the power to be a 'ransom for many', i.e. the basis of our salvation, ought to encourage his Church to transform our world through the same means of acting as servants rather than the fool's errand of trying to bring about the will of God through politics, power, or violence.

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