Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sermon Video: An offer you should not refuse - Luke 14:15-24

Following his comments about pride and humility as well as one encouraging kindness toward those who cannot return the favor, Jesus responds to a statement about how blessed it will be to eat at the feast in the kingdom of God by telling a parable that highlights two important truths: First, that simply hearing about the invitation to forgiveness from God is not sufficient if one does not respond and accept it, and second, that God will not restrict his offer of salvation to only those on the inside (i.e. Israel in the past, the Church today), but will instead go out and find the marginalized, the overlooked, and the forgotten of society to offer to them his grace through Jesus.  Both of these truths are important for the Church to internalize, the first because it guards against complacency and assuming that just because someone is connected in some way to the Church that they must be a Christian, and the second because it ought to invigorate our evangelism, especially to those segments of society we might otherwise miss.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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