Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Sermon Video: Athaliah chooses power over children - 2 Chronicles 22

How does someone who values human life, from conception until natural death, understand the thinking of someone who is convinced that abortion is an “act of love”?  In a new book called Pro, Katha Pollitt asserts that abortion is a social good for women, men, and children.  Where can we begin to unravel the thought process that leads to such a conclusion?
                In 2 Chronicles 22, the reign of Ahaziah, son of Jehoram, only lasts a year before he is killed alongside Ahab’s son Joram by the agent of God’s wrath against Israel’s wickedness, Jehu.  The kingdom of Judah has plummeted from its moral high-point under Jehoshaphat with the murderous reign of his son Jehoram and grandson Ahaziah.  Now, in the wake of Ahaziah’s death, his mother Athaliah (Ahab’s daughter) decides to take over the throne for herself and proceeds to attempt to wipe out any remaining descendants of David that had survived Jehoram’s killing of his six brothers and other relatives.  Even though God preserved Ahaziah for the sake of the line of David, it now appears that Athaliah will finish the job.  How can a woman turn against her own children and grandchildren and choose to murder them for the sake of power?  The darkness of the heart of mankind is a truly frightening thing when it destroys the natural bonds of love and protection that we expect from a parent and turns them instead into the total disregard for human life that Athaliah shows here.
                At this point in the story, modern man’s willingness to treat human life as expendable seems to be in keeping with our history, unfortunately.  When the children are about to be murdered, however, one of their aunts, Jehosheba, decides to risk her own life to act as she hides the year old Joash from Athaliah’s henchmen.  From that point on, Jehosheba and her husband Jehoida, a priest of the temple, hide the child for the next six years from Athaliah.  Where do they keep the only surviving heir of the line of David safe?  Within the temple of the LORD. 
                How do we as Christians respond to the threat against the innocent posed by abortion and euthanasia?  The political process cannot be our primary response, as it may never bear fruit and doesn’t help those vulnerable today.  We must commit ourselves, as a Church, to supporting the young pregnant girl, the exhausted parents of the special needs child, and the family wracked by end-of-life issues, we must offer concrete support to anyone we know in such a situation, and also support the organizations that are helping within our communities (such as ABC Life Center, here in Franklin) with our money, time, and prayer.

                We cannot understand how anyone could think of life as something to be discarded when inconvenient, but human history is full of examples of people doing just that.  We can, and must, do our utmost to protect the weak from those who, like Athaliah and Katha Pollitt, have decided that some lives don’t really matter.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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