Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Sermon Video: Unbelief and Betrayal, Luke 9:37-45

When Jesus comes down from the mountain with Peter, John, and James, after having just revealed his own glory, he returns to the reality that vast crowds await his help.  Among the crowd is a man whose son is severely afflicted by demonic possession, evidently in the form of epilepsy.  This man had brought his son to the disciples who were unable to help, evidently because of a lack of faith.  Jesus responds to this situation by revealing frustration at the “unbelieving and perverse generation” that he has to work with before he heals the child.  That frustration from Jesus is not an isolated response from God to finding that faith is lacking, nor is it an isolated response from mankind to lack faith in things in which we believe.  The people of Israel certainly believed in God, but lacked faith in him sufficient to keep them from asking for a golden calf.  Likewise, Americans respond to polls by declaring a belief that God and heaven exists, as well as a belief in the power of prayer, and yet far too many lack sufficient faith to actually take that belief and let it transform their lives.  They believe, but they don’t act, but they lack faith.
            After his success with healing the boy, Jesus immediately tells his disciples about his upcoming betrayal, even while the crowd celebrates by praising God for the healing.  Why now?  Jesus knows that surface admiration is not sufficient, to simply acknowledge God is not the same obeying him.  Jesus knows that his mission will end in betrayal, as had that of many of the prophets of old, but there will be a difference this time.  Instead of a tragic tale that ends in woe, the death of Jesus will be a transformative moment because it will end in resurrection.  Mankind has the capacity to indulge in evil, to reject love, and to betray the Son of Man, yet God has the capacity to overcome that rebellion with divine grace.  As followers of Jesus Christ, we too must embrace love over hate, good over evil, because one day faith, hope, and love will be utterly triumphant over unbelief, despair, and hate because Jesus has proven that light and darkness are not in any way equals.  Darkness is merely an absence of light, it has no life of its own; as Jesus said, “I am the light of the world.”

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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