Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Sermon Video: Take up your cross and follow him - Luke 9:23-27

What is the cost of becoming a Christian?  We are all happy to share the benefits that flow from following Jesus Christ, but as Jesus’ words in Luke 9:23-27 make clear to us, there is a significant commitment on our part that God requires in return.  After telling his disciples that suffering and death were in his near future, Jesus says, “If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross daily and follow me.”  The call to discipleship from Jesus begins with a legitimate question: Knowing what road Jesus is about to walk down, will you choose to follow him?  For the disciples, this was shocking news that would be very difficult to process, for us, we have the benefit of looking back on how this time of trail in the end produced the victory of Easter. 
            The dark road that Jesus travel to provide redemption for humanity does end in victory, that assurance offers us great comfort, but the call from Jesus to imitate his self-denial to the extent of volunteering to carry our own metaphorical cross still reminds us that the path to Christ-likeness is never going to be easy.  The self-denial that Jesus is asking us to embrace is in service to the kingdom of God, which is why the ascetics who practiced the denial of the normal pleasures of living and isolation were on the wrong path.  If we truly wish to follow in Jesus’ footsteps then we too must serve the needs of the poor and weak by showing them God’s love and mercy.
            As further evidence that this is the road that we must travel if we wish to follow him, Jesus continues by explaining that only those who are willing to let themselves be replaced by God as the center of their life are capable of truly having life.  Those who grasp and clutch at life for themselves will inevitably lose what they strive after.  We can see this principle at work in the world around us every time we see the reward of love returned when freely given and at the same time the bankruptcy of selfishness as the false siren’s call of wealth, fame, and power fails time and time again to satisfy.
            Will you follow Jesus?  The question is asked of us all, only you can decide if you are willing to make such a commitment.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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