Friday, August 9, 2013

Sermon Video, "Do not be anxious" Philippians 4:1-7

Life is scary, there are a lot of things worth being worried about in life,  becoming a Christian doesn't make them go away.  The Christian does have one advantage when dealing with anxiety that makes all the difference, we can give it away.  God isn't asking you to pretend that you don't feel anxious, and he isn't asking you to pretend that life's troubles aren't hard.  What God is offering to you is the chance to let your anxiety go by placing your trust in him.  The vehicle through which we, as Christians, can let go of anxiety is prayer.  In prayer we're not telling God things he doesn't already know, and we're not simply asking God for things that we want.  Instead, prayer is a conversation between two people who have a relationship; between God and his creation, between our Savior and his disciples.  In prayer, we share with God our burdens and in doing so we recognize God's authority, we count upon God's loving kindness, and we trust in God's promises.
Will all my troubles go away if I pray?  No.  Will I never be troubled by anxiety if I pray?  No.
What will prayer do for me?  Prayer will help you, and any follower of Jesus Christ, to see that God's ultimate purpose for your life, making you like his son Jesus, can never be derailed by life.  If times are good, God is working on making me like Christ, if times are bad, God is working on making me like Christ.  In prayer we enter into that process by imitating the many times that Jesus, God's own son, prayed to his Father.
There isnt' any reason to hang on to anxiety, you don't need it; God is in control, he will finish the work that he has begun in you in Christ Jesus.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

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