Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Sermon Video, "that I may gain Christ" - Philippians 3:1-9

In this passage Paul offers advice to the Church at Philippi in the event that it proves necessary in the future.  He warns them about "dogs" and "mutilators of the flesh" who will try to impose upon them the requirements of the Law (in this case circumcision) in addition to faith in Christ.  Paul views such version of the Gospel, faith plus something else whatever it may be, with horror because he knows from personal experience that self-righteousness is a dead end.
Earlier in life, when Paul was known as Saul, he had every reason to expect that his strict observance of the Law would bring him to God, he was shocked into reality, however, when he met Jesus on the road to Damascus and learned that he had in fact been fighting AGAINST God.  How can that be?  To do the right thing is not enough, God demands a right heart as well, and Saul's was full of self-righteous pride that left no room for compassion for the Lost.
Now, as an Apostle of Jesus Christ, Paul knows that every church must be on its guard against the temptation to add any kind of works before faith (such as: Baptism, Communion, membership, etc.).  We do not work to earn God's favor, we work to celebrate God's grace.  The difference may seem slight, but it means everything.  Salvation is not earned, therefore, I must not stand in the way of anyone who might accept it, more than that, it becomes our duty to share the message of God's love with anyone and everyone we can.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

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