Monday, May 13, 2013

Sermon Video: "to live is Christ, to die is gain" - Philippians 1:19-26

How can anyone live without fearing death?  What purpose or meaning to life can make even the worst misfortune bearable?  For Paul, the answer he shares with the church of Philippi from his own experience begins with the support his feels from their prayers on his behalf and the Spirit of Jesus.  Even while in prison, Paul knows that his life's work is worth the cost and that the outcome of his upcoming trial is in God's hands.  What's the secret to fulfillment?  Service to God through helping others.  What is the secret to confidence in the face of death?  Trust in the faithfulness of God. 
In the end, Paul was willing to continue striving for the sake of Gospel, if it is God's will.  Likewise, Paul was willing to meet his Creator and lay down his burden.
A life lived by faith in Christ, yet cut short for whatever reason, is worth living.
A life lived in vain self-service, no matter how long, is in the end meaningless.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

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