Monday, May 27, 2013

Sermon Video "make my joy complete" Philippians 2:1-4

Just prior to his memorable homage to Christ in vs. 5-11, Paul begins by asking the people of the church of Philippi if they have had any encouragement, comfort, fellowship, compassion, or tenderness because of their faith.  The question is rhetorical as any believer will quickly understand, these qualities are the hallmark of God's efforts to restore humanity to a relationship with him through the work of Jesus and the Holy Spirit.
Because the answer is "yes", the believers then is asked to respond to God's grace by being "like-minded", which Paul explains to mean that we must have the same love, be of one spirit, and be of one purpose.  In other words, we need to take our faith seriously and start living by it.  In addition, we need to start viewing others as God does, seeing their inherent worth, so that we can humbly help those in need through acts of service.

To watch the video, click on the link below:
Sermon Video

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