Monday, March 14, 2011

When the Oceans Rise...

We sang an iworship song in church this week entitled, "Still", that has a line in its chorus "When the Oceans rise, and thunder roars, I will soar with you, above the storm"...In light of the tragedy unfolding this past week in Japan, those words seemed especially poignant.  As we sang the song, the thought occurred to me that whatever the particular storm may be that we're facing (in this case; a literal wave in Japan), the time to prepare to stand firm through it is well BEFORE the storm clouds darken the horizon.  I know the metaphor may be stretched a bit here, but we all will face a variety of storms in life, and none of us knows ahead of time how we will react to tragedy.  How then do we prepare?  As Jesus explained in the Gospel of Matthew: the wise man builds his house upon the rock (7:24-29).  The only sure foundation any of us can have to face the inevitable trials and tribulations of life is to plant our feet firmly on the hope we have in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.  When we have placed our trust in God, not even the loss of our own lives will conquer us. 
As always, our thoughts and prayers are with those suffering in our world.

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