Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Taking a Break

I recently enjoyed a three day camping trip with one of my best friends (the army doctor) and a couple of his friends on the shore of Lake Superior (at the Two-Hearted River); it was guys only, (wives and kids left behind in order to make the trip a rest from obligations and duties); fishing, canoeing, swimming in Lake Superior (that's a manly enterprise; believe me, it wasn't very warm at all), and mostly just sitting around the campfire at night talking about nonsense (such as trying to decide which characters in Episode IV each of us were {rule: you can't pick the character for yourself}; I was happy to be nominated as Obi-Wan, although the guy we tagged as C3PO wasn't too thrilled)...It was only a couple of days, but that time away did us all a world of good. There's a reason why the LORD rested on the seventh day; not everything in life can be about work; otherwise, when do you appreciate what you have and what you've accomplished?
Another bonus of our trip: We were entirely unplugged from the modern world; no electricity, no running water, NO cell phones, no 24 hour news cycle; just guys cooking over a fire and not worrying about all of the things that follow us around back in our daily lives.
When is the last time you truly got away from it all; if only for a day or two? Can you let it all go for a bit, or are you too worried that all of the balls you're juggling will come crashing down?
The Christian has access to the ultimate in stress management...Matthew 11:28 says, "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest." Make the time to find rest in your life; I'm pretty sure if God took a day off, you can too.

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