Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Sermon Video: An offer you should not refuse - Luke 14:15-24

Following his comments about pride and humility as well as one encouraging kindness toward those who cannot return the favor, Jesus responds to a statement about how blessed it will be to eat at the feast in the kingdom of God by telling a parable that highlights two important truths: First, that simply hearing about the invitation to forgiveness from God is not sufficient if one does not respond and accept it, and second, that God will not restrict his offer of salvation to only those on the inside (i.e. Israel in the past, the Church today), but will instead go out and find the marginalized, the overlooked, and the forgotten of society to offer to them his grace through Jesus.  Both of these truths are important for the Church to internalize, the first because it guards against complacency and assuming that just because someone is connected in some way to the Church that they must be a Christian, and the second because it ought to invigorate our evangelism, especially to those segments of society we might otherwise miss.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Sermon Video: Humble yourself - Luke 14:7-11

In many instances, the teachings of Jesus are counter-cultural, running against the grain of what the religious leadership of his day was teaching the people, but at other times, the problem wasn't a matter of changing minds but of changing hearts.  While at a dinner hosted by a Pharisee, Jesus notices the scramble among the guest for the seats of honor at the table and uses that display of pride to tell a parable about guests at a wedding feast.  The parable itself, and its moral, are both things that previous rabbis had taught, they were not controversial in any way, they just weren't being followed.

Pride is a tricky sin, one we may often miss seeing in ourselves, but one that must be dealt with because pride is at its most basic a form of ingratitude toward God.  Why are we full of pride, because we don't give God adequate thanks as Creator, we don't recognize that our own accomplishment (or accident of birth) is not our greatness but God's grace.  Throughout the Scriptures, God consistently opposes the proud and uplifts the humble, this principle is stated explicitly often enough, as well as being illustrated implicitly in the lives of prominent people in the Bible like Moses or Ruth, who exemplify humility, and Sampson or Nebuchadnezzar who reaps the penalty of pride.

So where are we prideful?  What do we need to do in our lives to set aside pride and embrace humility?  We have been called to be disciples of Jesus, as such we need to take seriously our need to imitate the man who had more cause to be glorified than any other, but was willing to take upon himself the role of the humblest servant for our sake.

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Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Sermon Video: Resisting the Love of God - Luke 13:34-35

Much has been written, any many a debate and/or argument had, over the issue of how the will of God fits together with the freewill of humanity.  Is God entirely sovereign, and human choice simply an illusion, or has God chosen to allow human choices to truly matter?  In regards to salvation, in particular, what is the key factor, the call of God or the response of man?  Does it have to be an either/or question or can it be a both/and?
This is, of course, a complex topic, involving many Scripture passages, as well as the overall theme of God's Word, and one where you can find references in the Bible that seem to support both God's sovereignty and man's responsibility.  In the end, we won't be able to "solve" this question in this life, but because it is one that the Scriptures dwell upon, so must we.
Here in Luke, Jesus laments the rebellion of Jerusalem and expresses his desire to protect them from themselves, "but you were not willing!"  Regardless of how the rebellion of man fits into your understanding of the issue of God's will and human freewill, the consequences of that rebellion are the same: desolation.  Without God, man is doomed, without redemption, our terminal spiritual sickness will indeed become spiritual death.  Our response, again regardless of how we view the issue, is the same, we must share the Gospel, we must do everything we can to show the Lost the love of Christ and their need for forgiveness.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

Saturday, September 12, 2015

Sinking to a new low

There are certain things that some "Christian pastors" teach, and I don't use those quotation marks lightly, for it is no small thing to doubt the faith of someone who claims to be a Christian, especially when you don't personally know him/her, but there are some beliefs that go so far beyond the boundaries of a Christian-worldview that they call into question anything else that person might say about faith, Jesus, and the Gospel.  Social media and Youtube have given such people a voice, and during the past twenty years we've seen the chaos and hate spawned by the people of Westboro Baptist Church as they protest at the funerals of American service members.  The utter bankruptcy of their willingness to cause pain to the families of those who have given the 'last full measure of devotion" to their country is obvious to all who don't share their fanaticism.  Alongside the people of Westboro belongs the "pastor" of the Faithful Word Baptist Church, Steven Anderson.  I've known of Steven Anderson for some time, his shrill KJV only claims are well known on the Internet, as was his much publicized public prayer that President Obama would die of a brain tumor.  On top of this foolishness is also added the damning title: Holocaust denier.  There is no legitimate reason to deny the Holocaust that is not fueled by anti-semitism.  The documentation of the Holocaust is so massive and exhaustive that to deny it stretches rationalism beyond its breaking point.  There are few things that Islamic Jihadists and White Neo-Nazis agree upon, denial of the Holocaust is one of them, shouldn't that be a frightening group to join.
It pains me that both of these examples are from those calling themselves "baptists".  Please, those of you who don't know the difference between Christian denominations, or who don't know personally any baptists, please, don't think for a moment that the rest of us have anything at all in common with these who are profaning the names of pastor, baptist, and church.  Sad, but true, this is a new low, lower than the last, that anyone calling himself a Christian would deny that millions upon millions of the descendants of Abraham were murdered in WWII, for shame.

Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Sermon Video: "How many will be saved?" Luke 13:23-30

In this passage, Jesus responds to a very important question that is asked of him, "how many will be saved?"  Will the grace of God be triumphant, bringing in vast multitudes of the Lost into the kingdom of God, or will only a tiny remnant be saved with many who thought they were following Jesus disastrously mistaken?  Those within the Church who tend toward universalism see the grace of God as victorious, perhaps even beyond the boundaries of the Church to include other religions and philosophies.  On the opposite end of the spectrum from this optimistic viewpoint, lies those whose pessimism sees the holiness of God as victorious, even within the boundaries of the Church where they look and see mostly apostasy.  Which is the correct view, should we expect a Church that is overcoming the World, or one that is hemmed in on all sides and persecuted?
Jesus doesn't, as usual, directly answer the question, but instead he offers an analogy about entrance into the kingdom of heaven, declaring that it is only through a "narrow door" that requires "every effort" to walk through.  There are several ways in which the "door" to heaven could be thought of as "narrow".  That there is only one door, one way to heaven, is one way, and that the door is only accessible to those who have been washed clean of the impurity of sin is another.  It might also be that the door is narrow because only few will enter into it.  While it is true that Jesus speaks negatively of the chances of the rich entering through such a narrow door, the end of his answer makes it clear that heaven will be filled with those who have come to accept the Gospel from all over the world.
The universalist is too optimistic, for there is only one door and those who have not put their trust in Jesus won't find it, but the pessimists on the opposite end of the spectrum are equally wrong, for the grace of God will surely save all those whose trust is in Jesus.  After all, our hope is in Him, and in what He has done, not in our own imperfect understanding of it.  The wisdom of Jesus' answer to the question is that heaven will be missing people who expected to be there, for whatever reason, but failed to trust in him, but at the same time, heaven will be overflowing with those who were written off by men, only to be redeemed by God.

To watch the video, click on the link below: