Thursday, August 29, 2024

What is happening at Cornerstone University??

For whatever reason, I can't share this link directly to Facebook; it was removed as spam.  So I'll write a quick block post and encourage anyone who clicks on my post to go to the webpage below and look at this long list of unethical and unacceptable behavior on the part of the current administration.

Why does this topic matter to me?  Cornerstone University was deeply influential on my intellectual and spiritual development, it was a major step in the road that led me to where I am today as an ordained minister serving the Church.  As such, watching this institution that I love, that once was something that I was proud of, become something that fits snuggly into the politics and culture war tainted world around us is heartbreaking.

Voice of CU: Documentation and Testimony

Note: I don't know who the anonymous alumnus behind the Voice of CU is, he/she attended the school long after I did, but I understand the desire to remain anonymous given the culture of fear created by a willingness to retaliate against any/all critics.  

To read my previous posts connecting to this current unfolding sad drama:

"A singular focus on preparing students for meaningful jobs and careers" would be the death of Christian Higher Education - A response to the essay by Cornerstone University's President Moreno-RiaƱo on Fox News

The Cornerstone University I graduated from is no more, my daughter won't be going there.

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