Friday, July 12, 2024

The Only Begotten Son - by Daniel Lancaster (FFOZ) - critical review and analysis (video version)

 To read the original post where I responded to this publication from Daniel Lancaster:

The boldly heretical anti-trinitarianism of Daniel Lancaster (One of the key leaders of the FFOZ and Torah Clubs) in his own words

Or the follow-up that explored what was edited out of the transcript:

The original audio version of Daniel Lancaster's Only Begotten Son is even more heretical.

The following 4 videos combine the information in those two posts in this more accessible format:

Only Begotten Son (part 1) by Daniel Lancaster (FFOZ) - A critical review from Pastor Randy Powell

Only Begotten Son (part 2) by Daniel Lancaster (FFOZ) - A critical review from Pastor Randy Powell

Only Begotten Son (part 3) by Daniel Lancaster (FFOZ) - A critical review from Pastor Randy Powell

Only Begotten Son (part 4) by Daniel Lancaster (FFOZ) - A critical review from Pastor Randy Powell

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