Sunday, May 7, 2023

Sermon Video: Righteousness by Faith, not Law - Romans 9:27-33

Since the Law was given by God to his people, and he rewarded them for keeping it and punished them for breaking it, why couldn't righteousness come through obeying it?  Simple, that was never its intent.  God knew that humanity could never follow his commands perfectly, that all would sin, all would be lawbreakers.  The Law made God's people conscious of their sin, it did not offer them the solution to it.  The answer to that dilemma was always grace.  God's forgiveness and mercy given to his people, and his people's need to trust in that grace by faith.  Ultimately Jesus came to be the solution, to be the sacrifice for sin, and our faith became in/through him.

1 comment:

  1. You have so many things wrong about FFOZ! Why spend so much time and energy attacking them? Your angry approach seems evil. Jo Larsen
