Thursday, April 13, 2023

FFOZ (Torah Clubs) admit that they are purposefully aiming to disrupt and divide the Church

Intentions matters, so do goals and methods.  The Franklin Christian Ministerium has gone to great lengths to demonstrate the danger posed by what the First Fruits of Zion are attempting to do in our midst with their Torah Clubs.  In fact, the level of disruption, number of people who have left the fellowship and discipleship of their previous churches, and animosity toward the traditional and apostolic teachings of the Church that we have seen here locally are an integral part of the overall purposeful plan of the leadership of First Fruits of Zion.  In other words, what they have done, and are continuing to do, here locally they hope to do all over the world.  This is what they want to happen because this is what they believe must happen to bring about the End Times.  They believe they are on a particular mission from God, chosen for this purpose, and are all the more dangerous because of this misguided zeal.

But you've been told this is just a Bible Study, its just about learning the Jewish roots of the scriptures and Jesus.  Don't take my word for it, listen to what FFOZ's leadership has to say...

{All quotes below comes from the video recordings of the Malchut 2022 Conference, a gathering of Torah Club leaders and financial backers, in other words, this is what they tell the insiders, the true believers.}

Quotations are in italics, emphasis in bold is my own addition, commentary in {brackets} is my own.

One of our dreams as an organization is to see post-supersessionist Christianity. A Christianity that is restored to a proper theology with Israel to the Torah and to the Kingdom. Most of us started our journey to post-supersessionist Christianity in the church. And while many of us still attend the church we see it differently now, we see it through different eyes. We see that something is missing. (Boaz Micael - And Then the End Will Come, 8:27ff) 

{Participation in FFOZ starts with people who are in the Church, there’s no reason for them to stay there once they’ve had their “eyes opened.”}

So, the responsibility of this message falls on us, a small minority of God‘s people who’ve come to an understanding of the gospel of the kingdom and whose lives are being transformed by the undiluted power of Yeshua’s message. And we’re called to take this gospel of message to the kingdoms, repent for the kingdom of God is it at hand. And this prophetic movement has only become possible in our generation. It’s our responsibility. (Boaz Michael - And Then the End Will Come, 23:11ff) 

{We alone can save the Church?  A reform not possible in any point of Church history until now?}

Imagine having your home filled with Christians, experiencing the renewal of their salvation, bringing them into an understanding of the gospel of the kingdom, increasing their devotion to king Messiah, assisting them alongside yourself of becoming agents of the kingdom alongside Israel. And this is all through your mission and efforts where HaShem has placed you. (Boaz Michael - And Then the End Will Come, 38:20ff) 

{Why belong to the Church if the real Kingdom work is only happening in Torah Clubs?}

We’re going to return to the Torah and find that its wisdom is the antidote to the fractured and confused world that we live in and a fractured and confused church that we are part of. Some of you might feel like your Torah clubs groups are in some way subversive. Like they’re supplanting the local church. Like they’re not legitimate expressions or legitimate places of communal fellowship. Now I want to tell you the opposite is true. Many people say, many people say, I don’t wanna say it because someone might say, “you said that.“ So I’m just going to say many people say that the institutional church that we have known is not recoverable. It’s not coming back the way it was. It’s going to change, and perhaps a Torah Club or some type of home base communities are the pattern for the future. But know this and be confident in this, the institutional churches’ issues are not a result of your efforts in the Torah Club. They are a result of various cultural and generational shifts. And perhaps it’s the result of sharing a tired message that has not resulted in what it has promised. (Boaz Michael - And Then the End Will Come, 39:52ff) 

{FFOZ proclaims the Church to be dead, groups like the Torah Clubs are the future.}

You are the creators. You are the doers. You are the ones that God has chosen to proclaim this gospel, the gospel of the kingdom, to all nations. What an amazing burden that HaShem has placed upon us. You’ve dedicated yourself to a mission. You might not have the biggest Torah Club. You might not even think of yourself as qualified to teach others about the gospel of the kingdom and yet you are here. And yet your eyes have been opened. (Boaz Michael - And Then the End Will Come)

{Michael Boaz believes his followers are the only ones chosen by God to spread the true Gospel, that they will bring about the End Times.  This sort of cult-like zeal is very dangerous, and will inevitably lead to those who buy into it leaving the Church.}

At the end of the day we are a disruptive movement. We’re disruptors. And a disruptive movement is an ideological idea that’s connected to community to prevent something from continuing or operating in a normal way. We’re introducing an idea that is intended to challenge and to transform the status quo. We’re not satisfied with, and we’ve not been inspired by the direction that the institutional church has gone for the most part over the past 2000 years. (Boaz Michael - What's your IQ? p.1) 

{The Church throughout its history doesn’t suit them, so they’ll disrupt it.}

We have to be disruptors that are very patient in our disruption. We have disruptive ideas. A disruptive idea is a perspective, the introduction of an idea that opposes an entrenched view, process, or perspective. This disruptive idea of ours, it attempts to displace the opinion of the majority in a particular field and transform the status quo. So we are a disruptive movement full of disruptive ideas. And we believe that the church or perhaps disciples must be re-introduced to the Jewish Messiah. And this re-introduction will result in radical changes to their worldview, to their theology, to their practice of faith as disciples of Yeshua. (Boaz Michael - What's your IQ? p. 1-2) 

{FFOZ’s goal is radical change to both the faith and practice of the Church.}

So these ideas, they are disruptive. And to some degree they’re confrontational. They are threatening to established organizations And structures of power. So it should come as no surprise that we should encounter opposition. That we feel suppressed. (Boaz Michael - What's your IQ p.3)  

{FFOZ knows that their ideas are a threat to the Church, to dismantle/overthrow the Church is the end goal.}

Likewise, were in a similar situation right now where we realize that the whole body of Messiah, the whole church, is a mission field as well. (Daniel Lancaster - Band of Survivors, 1:14ff) 

{The Church is the mission field because in FFOZ’s belief system, the Church is full of people who don’t know the true Gospel.}

The leadership of FFOZ believes that the Church is moribund, that they, and they alone, have their "eyes opened" to the true Gospel and that God has called them to change the world with it.  Is it any wonder that the bonds of fellowship and Christian brotherhood have been strained, and at times broken, by this movement?  The Franklin Christian Ministerium's effort against the FFOZ is also a commitment to support and encourage our brothers and sisters in Christ throughout the larger Christian community.  If your church is being confronted with these teachings, if members of your congregation have opened themselves up to it, don't hesitate to contact any one of our pastors, there's no need to stand alone against this, we're ready to stand with you.

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