Thursday, August 18, 2022

Listen to the Word of God: 62 Scripture passages that refute 'Christian' Nationalism - #5: Psalm 82:3


Psalm 82:3  New International Version

Defend the weak and the fatherless;

    uphold the cause of the poor and the oppressed.

This verse is among numerous similar portions of scripture that encapsulate what the people of God should focus their energies upon in one simple sentence.  The Kingdom of Israel during the Old Covenant, and the Church during the New Covenant, has a God-given obligation to those on the bottom of society's social hierarchy.  

How then does this verse offer a refutation of 'Christian' Nationalism?  One aspect of that criticism would be the need for Christians who honor the Word of God by taking this obligation seriously to push back against the policies and structures of their society that marginalize and disadvantage the poor.  In other words, American culture, the laws and policies of the American government, and even Capitalism itself must be examined for how they are contributing to the misfortune of our neighbors.  Is a democratic government better than an autocratic one?  Virtually always, but that doesn't make it flawless, and that doesn't make it beyond criticism when 'our team' is in the White House or controls Congress.  Likewise, is capitalism the best economic system of those humanity has tried thus far?  Hard to argue from either history or statistical analysis that it isn't, but capitalism has inherent flaws of its own, ones that favor the rich and powerful and disfavor the poor and weak (as does every governmental and economic system created by man), these need to be confronted and countered, even if it clashes with the politics of 'our team'. 

Because of the deep identification of 'Christian' Nationalism with the society it seeks to control, the prophetic voice of the Church is muzzled, recent history has shown that those within the Church who speak up for the poor are dismissed, often with vitriol, as 'woke' or 'liberals'.  Why the hostility toward those who point out the clear and ongoing flaws in the system?  During a war you don't criticize your own team, supposedly.  And make no mistake, 'Christian' Nationalism sees itself at war, always.  "America, love it or leave it" is a sentiment at home within 'Christian' Nationalism, but if I listen to God's Word as a Christian, I will be called, 

To act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly with your God. (Micah 6:8b, NIV)

In all honesty, I love America, I consider myself blessed of God to have been born here, but I reject in its entirety the demand of 'Christian' Nationalism that I "root, root, root for the home team".  When America is wrong, morally, we are blessed with the right to say so, even when that criticism needs to be aimed at 'our team'.  The people of God are called to defend the weak and uphold the cause of the poor, no matter who bears responsibility for that plight, thus silence to protect the (unholy) marriage of Church and State is dereliction of duty.

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