Monday, October 5, 2020

Sermon Video: A House Divided - Mark 3:20-34

 Accused by his critics of being an agent of evil, Jesus responds by warning of the danger of 'a house divided'.  The warning rings true to this day, whether it be a nation, a denomination, a local church, or a family, the danger of disunity and discord is real.  How do we combat it?  With the Fruit of the Spirit.  By working at building up and holding together, consistently and with great effort, so that we can overcome the efforts of those who would divide and destroy.  As Christian Americans, we must ask ourselves a question: Am I a part of the forces that restore, heal, seek justice, and build up, or a part of the forces that tear down and destroy?  There is always hope, as long as those who are righteous and filled with the Spirit are willing to continue working for it, unity is possible: for America, for the global church, for our local churches, and for each of our families.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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