Tuesday, September 17, 2019

Sermon Video: The Greatest of these is Love - 1 Corinthians 13:8-13

In the culmination of his ode to the supremacy of Love, the Apostle Paul emphasizes the permanence of love by comparing it to the temporary nature of three other spiritual gifts: prophecy, tongues, and knowledge.  These gifts exist because of the flawed nature of humanity.  In order for the Church to function, it needs spiritual assistance from God, but this will not always be the case.  After the establishment of the Kingdom of God, when humanity is fully reconciled to our Creator, there will no longer be a need for assistance in bridging the current gap between God and man.  Yet in that day, Love will not cease, but fully come into its own.  Rather than a limited version of God's love, in imitation of Jesus, the children of God will have and experience love in its pure form, no longer marred by the selfishness of sin.  Finally, while faith and hope are also foundation with love, Paul declares love to be the greatest of these, for one day faith will be sight, hope will be fruition, but love will be fully realized and once more in its glory as it was within the trinity before Creation.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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