Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Sermon Video: Our mandate to be intrafaith but not interfaith - 1 Corinthians 10:18-22

While trying to help the community of the church at Corinth, a small minority among the people of Corinth, Paul warns them about "participating" with the pagan idol worship of their neighbors.  While Paul concedes that idols "are nothing" in reality, he still warns them that to worship anything/anyone other than God himself is to become "participants with demons".  What are we to make of this perspective?
As Christians, we believe in the Gospel proclamation that Salvation is found in/through Jesus Christ, and no other source.  As such, we cannot pray/worship with those who follow other religions, as these are not valid paths to God.  It is not a question of respect or dignity, for Christians ought to treat everyone with kindness, but a question of Truth.  It is perfectly acceptable (and encouraged) for Christians to dialogue with those of other faiths, to work together on things like disaster relief and public health initiatives, and to insist upon their equal right to live and worship freely, but the line has to be drawn between working and living peaceably together, which is good, and worshiping together, which is not acceptable.  Why not?  Because, as Paul says, "Are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy?"  God refuses to share the devotion of his people.  If we, as Christians, attempt to divert our required devotion from God to other things, (whether they be other religions or materialistic pursuits) we will, as Israel of old learned, anger God.

To watch this video, click on the link below:

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