Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Sermon Video: Jesus Fortifies himself with prayer - Matthew 28:36-46

With his own final trial less than twenty-four hours away, Jesus purposefully leads his disciples from the room where they had just finished celebrating the Passover, outside of Jerusalem to a garden where he intends to spend time in fervent prayer.  Before the humiliation, physical pain, and spiritual turmoil began, Jesus chose to spend time with both his friends and his Heavenly Father.  Prayer would fortify Jesus each step of the way from the Gethsemane to Calvary, a path he would walk alone, but one he prepared himself for with those he loved.

We all pray when in a crisis, and we should, but what we ought to be doing as well is praying before we're faced with trouble.  We will, as Christians, face things in our lives that will test us to our limits, our faith will be put to the test, the question for us is: What will we do to strengthen that faith beforehand?  For Jesus, the answer was clear: Prayer with the Father.  Even though Jesus came into the world for the very day that was beginning, the prospect of bearing the world's sin upon his should must have been excruciating, not to mention the torture of a crucifixion itself.  It was necessary, then, for Jesus to use prayer to strengthen his resolve to conform to his Father's will.  If Jesus himself considered prayer to be a necessity, should not we as well?

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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