Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Sermon Video: Josiah - Renewal and Hope - 2 Chronicles 34

Josiah, the boy king, came to the throne at the age of eight following the assassination of his father, Amon.  The Chronicles doesn't tell us who acted as regent during his minority, nor who educated or trained the boy king, but we are told that at 16 Josiah began to seek the LORD.  At 20, Josiah began a systematic program of destroying and demolishing idols and altars to false gods throughout both Judea and also in the lands of the shattered kingdom of Israel.  At 26, Josiah oversaw the restoration of the temple complex whose repairs had been neglected for decades.  Having accomplished so much before 30, Josiah is an amazing example of youthful zeal for the LORD.
What Josiah would have attempted next we'll never know, for his future course was set by the discovery of the scroll of the Law in the temple.  Previous to this, for an unknown period of time, the people had been without a copy of the Law.  Imagine, Josiah sought the LORD without having personally read the Scriptures, with only second-hand knowledge of God.  The reforms of Josiah appear even more amazing given this limitation.  When the Scriptures were read in his presence, however, far from being reassured because of his personal faithfulness, Josiah was moved tear his robes in mourning as he realized just how far his nation had been, for generations, from the standard of God's holiness as outlined in the Law of Moses.
Knowing his people's sinfulness, Josiah humbly sought the LORD's forgiveness on their behalf, only to learn that the day of God's wrath in judgment could not be diverted.  God granted Josiah the mercy of peace during his day, because of his faithfulness, but assured him that soon judgment would come.  In response, Josiah gathered the people of Judah and Israel, from least to greatest, to rededicate themselves to the Covenant publicly.  This act of devotion to the LORD, knowing that the future held judgment, not blessings, was a further example of how thoroughly Josiah's generation sought the LORD.

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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