Tuesday, November 8, 2016

Sermon Video: Hezekiah's Revival, Part 3 (of 4) - 2 Chronicles 31

After having accomplished the emotional high of repairing and reopening the Temple followed by a celebration of the Passover that was better attended and more joyous than any held for centuries, Hezekiah next proceeds to follow up that high point with various administrative reforms.  There isn't anything exciting or glamorous about organization and efficiency, but in order for the people of Judah to worship the LORD effectively, long-term, these reforms were absolutely necessary.  Passover gets everybody's attention, but it is the day to day devotion to the LORD the rest of the year that develops character, and for that, reformation of the priesthood (and their support system) was needed.
The same holds true for the Church.  Large rallies, concerts, and revival meetings may be what gets noticed, and they have their place and purpose, but without week to week devotion to God, the people of God will not make progress in their discipleship.  The Church also needs capable hands running its administrative functions, making the most of the resources given to it by the people, and preventing waste or fraud.  These may be unnoticed tasks with little chance for glory, but they are vital to the continued ability of God's people to do effective ministry in the world.
We all enjoy going to Church on Christmas Eve and Easter, the two services that require the largest amount of preparation and always have the largest turnout of the year, but we cannot allow ourselves to be a people who connect with God only a few times per year, we need to be devoted to God, all year round, from our highs to our lows, from the exciting to the mundane.  If we cannot sustain a high level of commitment to God, how can we expect God to do anything wondrous among us?

To watch the video, click on the link below:

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